The Twinkie Times

The life and times of a Chinese American. Born a Jersey boy, lived the expat life, attended boarding school (Lawrenceville), converted to a frat boy (Sigma Pi), got an MBA (Columbia), returned to China, and back to the East Coast now trying to carve out an identity and life as an Asian American dad (gulp) in the midst of a "tertial life crisis" ©

Saturday, February 11, 2012


I will admit it, I have full-on Lin fever.  Woke up on Saturday morning at 8:55 AM in Shanghai to watch Jeremy light up Kobe Bryant and the Lakers.  Don't get me wrong, I have total Asian pride that Jeremy's hard work, faith, and perseverance has paid off and he is now getting his opportunity to showcase his talent but I am more excited for the fact that NY Knicks basketball is relevant again.  I have been a fan since the Ewing/Starks days, through the Houston/Sprewell/LJ moments, and finally the same energy seems to have returned to the Garden and can be felt halfway across the world in China.  Major props to Jeremy and his father for nurturung his ability.  Lin is a shining example to all that if you really work hard and believe, anything is possible.

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