The life and times of a Chinese American. Born a Jersey boy, lived the expat life, attended boarding school (Lawrenceville), converted to a frat boy (Sigma Pi), got an MBA (Columbia), returned to Shanghai China, and back to the East Coast trying to carve out an identity and life as an Asian American twin dad (gulp) in the midst of a "tertial/mid life crisis" ©
Snowiest January Ever
With another impending snow storm headed for the Northeast, a quick note to mark the end of the month and the snowiest January of all time for New York City. There has been over 56 inches of snow this winter recorded in Central Park from 5 major storms systems. I say "bring it on" and test the Mayor's clean-up efforts! If it is going to be cold out I would prefer it to snow. As a kid I remember the pure joy and absolute bliss of a snow-day and although I now suffer 'the curse of the ferry' (boats are always running even if subways, trains, or buses are shutdown) I am still exhilarated by a good snowstorm.
On the left, a picture from my office where they bring in all the snow from the downtown area by the truckload and then melt it in the machine on the right which drains into the Hudson River.
Labels: Snow, Winter
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